I think this is the question every woman is asked. Or asks herself. Eventually.
Well, in case she is not married, has kids and like in the fairy-tale: lives happily ever-after. But I'm pretty sure those women also put this question on the table.
I wonder if there is a difference between feeling lonely and actually being lonely?
I bet everyone has been in the situation when in the crowd of partying people when everything seems so great and you should be just having fun, you suddenly feel lonely. Out of place. Out of the crowd. Like cocktail dress and snickers. Just not matching.
Or in the seemingly perfect relationship when you're still together but gradually run out of things to talk about.
Or with an old friend of yours whom you haven't seen for ages and meeting for a coffee in a lunch time. You hope that it would remind you of old good times together but after 30 min of simply remembering you go away, pretty sure you're not going to meet in the next decades.
Loneliness is not only about the relationship. Some women are convinced that all you have to do is find a "right" person who is just for you and that's it. No "loneliness" issue. Never.
I think this is why some women are so drastically hunting for men to get married with. The ring on the finger has to give you the confidence of no-loneliness. But is it really so?
Who else except Mermaid, Cinderella, Snowhite and Jasmin lives happily ever-after? And do they?
I mean, every woman wants to be loved, cared of and needed. Or maybe just rescued from the loneliness?
Loneliness is not about getting laid either. Honestly, for a woman brave enough to talk to a guy, clever enough to keep the small talk and pretty enough to charm him it's not difficult to get a man into the bed. Well, sometimes for a woman with big boobs "small talk" part is often omitted. No offense.
But when you wake up with the guy you hardly know and whose name you remember after the third attempt what's that you feel? Eventually you get tired of one night stands and go on looking for the one. To feel in the emptiness. And in order not to feel lonely. Anymore.
Loneliness is not staying in on Saturday night, ordering the take-out and watching the movie all by yourself. Loneliness is when you have noone to call on Saturday night.
Loneliness is all about choices we make. Staying at home or going out. Smiling to a cute guy or giving the wrong number. Opening your heart or going away in order not to be hurt.
It's all about choices. But can we be sure that we make the right choices?