
To remember

Someday you'll understand the reason you were born with wings...
You know there are days like this. You are on your way home from work, you are tired, it’s been a long week. There is a nice event you are invited to and you are trying to persuade yourself that you only need to get home, change and be on your way (because it’s Friday and this is what people do on Fridays, plus you are definitely going to have a good time!), even though the only thing you’re dreaming about right now is to sleep for more than 6,5 hours in a row. Your eyes are glued to your phone and your brain is rushing through all the “must-dos”. And then you look up and notice that the sky is on fire. It’s so beautiful that it makes you forget about everything else, and pushed by that moment you get off in order to watch the sunset. Here, by the water, the wind is cold but the clatter of the city is less noticeable. It’s so beautiful, it almost hurts. Then, of course, you take out your camera to take a photo… and then another one, and probably the third one just to have some to choose from. And then your battery dies, and that is a good thing. Because from that moment on you don’t need to try to take a perfect photo (and you do have some already!), but can actually relax and enjoy the view. You can now capture this moment in your memory and heart.

I sit down and look around. There are couples kissing, people walking/cycling by, stopping for a moment to take a photo and going on. There is an apple in my bag that I got from one of my students (from her own garden!) and I eat it with pleasure. The wind is cold and soon I can’t feel my hands and my cheeks are probably the color of the sunset. It’s getting dark, the sky isn’t burning anymore and I make my way home. I probably won’t make it to the party tonight and hopefully will catch up with my sleep.

But moments like this should be shared with your loved ones. So I want to share it with you. Look up from time to time! The world around us is so beautiful, we just have to see it!


@темы: English, New Life.se, Для памяти, Позитив, Природа

02.10.2015 в 23:25

До просветления колоть дрова и носить воду. После просветления колоть дрова и носить воду.
Schn! Schon so kalt bei euch da oben?
06.10.2015 в 10:37

увидела текст на английском и случился минутный ступор "я не прочитаю" и это при том, что у меня неплохой upper. а потом начала читать и подумала, как было бы классно, если бы ты периодически писала на английском) так здорово получилось)
и да, вот эти моменты самые ценные!
06.10.2015 в 15:34

Someday you'll understand the reason you were born with wings...
Sat Nam, nein, es ist immer noch warm (für Schweden) :-D

Фраевская кошка, да ладно - не прочитаешь! )) Еще как ))
У меня английский, в принципе, доминирующий язык сейчас, поэтому я часто о всяком размышляю исключительно на английском ))
Редко что-то записываю, правда ))

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