
Someday you'll understand the reason you were born with wings...
Never do a thing you'd be sorry for afterwards ©

@настроение: thoughtful

@темы: English, Цитаты

10.01.2009 в 14:07

Love? Truth? Beauty? I prefer negotiable securities.
Do that, and whether that should be (c)
10.01.2009 в 18:54

Someday you'll understand the reason you were born with wings...
Злой Ворон, controversial, huh... :upset:
13.01.2009 в 12:38

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law :ktulhu:
19.01.2009 в 01:29

Someday you'll understand the reason you were born with wings...
_antichrist_, wishing to agree )

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